Children’s Ministry

The United Methodist Church’s mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

Children’s Ministry

Our focus for this group will be establishing cornerstones of faith in our elementary aged kids through structured, intentional Sunday School programming during the church service. These lessons will include scripture reading, prayer, games, and arts activities to teach important elements of our loving God. Our first eight-week series (September 22 – November 10) features the Lord’s Prayer, a foundational piece of scripture and a wonderful, balanced prayer that can be used in any of life’s situations.

Children begin the church service with their families in the sanctuary, then will be released during the Offertory for Sunday School time. The children will return to the sanctuary to reunite with their families at the end of the service.

Upcoming Children’s Ministry Events

Sunday, 2/16 – Parents’ night out.

Our Beloved Youth Group is excited to watch your children for FREE!
This is an opportunity for the little kids to hang out with the big kids!  Sunday Feb 16th, 6:15-7:45pm (Youth arrive at 6 and finish up at 8), Armory Classroom/Gym. This is for Beloved families only for their kids that are potty trained. If you would like to participate please sign your Child(ren) here:
Sign Up


Children's Ministry Participation Form

Children’s Ministry Participation Form
Your child’s safety is our number one concern.  If your young person will be attending this class or participating in the Children’s programs, please take a moment to print and fill out this form and bring it with you Sunday.  We will have copies available Sunday morning as well.

Safe Sanctuary Policy

Safe Sanctuary Policy
As a Christian community of faith, Beloved UMC pledges to conduct the ministry of the gospel in ways that assure the safety and spiritual growth of all children, youth and vulnerable people, as well as those who serve in ministry with and to them.

To insure this, Beloved has a Safe Sanctuary Policy.